Université GOC
University GOC
Department of Soil and  Agri-Food Engineering 


The scope referred to as the “agri-environment” includes soil, plants and animals who exchange resources in large biogeophysical cycles (water, carbon, nitrogen, etc.). These activities concern the good agri-environmental practices related to land use, conservation and protection of soil and water, recovery of crop residues, livestock manure and other fertilizers, the protection of shorelines and watercourses and the rational use of pesticides. The agri-environmental practices intended to minimize the negative effects of agricultural production on the environment.

The program includes joint training in economics and management and in the three main agricultural fields or soil and the environment, crops and animal production. Specialized training in soil and environment (genesis, soil physics, soil microbiology, climatology, pesticides and environment, etc.) will also introduce you to the sustainable land use and agricultural production. She will give you an overview of production systems and an understanding of the agricultural reality for you to become a competent and professional agrologist.


  • Development agent
  • Agent or research assistant
  • Agronomist – agricultural adviser
  • Agronomist – consultant
  • Agronomist – Sales Representative
  • Teacher
  • Business manager
  • Manager of programs and projects
  • Journalist or specialized popularizer


  • Agronomists surgeries
  • Research centers
  • Agricultural enterprises’Companies of farm supplies
  • Companies Consulting Services
  • Educational Institutions
  • Government Agencies
  • Groupings of agricultural producers

Soil and Agri-Food Engineering

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