Université GOC
University GOC

[FSI] Faculty of Nursing


Nursing Training Health Promotion is given to students to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to intervene with jurisdiction to persons and families who are experiencing health problems. The programs of the faculty are various order through physical, mental and social health by the environmental. This approach allows students to adapt their interventions to different clients they advise and care for them. The quality of care is an indispensable asset in the particular exercise of the profession on the kind of services, ethics, leadership and research. Training is globalized and open to the world. The Faculty encourages those who have the means to expand their boundaries by making study and cultural immersion abroad trips. The audience of the faculty are available for this purpose to promote students to opt for international profile or the international and intercultural training.





You will be able to contribute to the administration of nursing care and nursing services, and influence policy decisions about nursing. You will have developed the autonomy to conduct original research and communicate the results.

Advanced study to tackle complex situations relating to good health with internships that can provide experience.


It includes a clinical and evaluative research component specific to a clientele with a loss of autonomy.

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