Université GOC
University GOC

[FPHA] Faculty of Pharmacy


Highly competitive field

Pharmaceutics, the science and engineering of drug dosage, is highly competitive field requiring expertise in chemistry, engineering, pharmacy, materials science, mathematics, and the biological sciences. The study ranges from fundamental studies of the properties of drugs  to dosage forms and delivery systems.

It is also possible to pursue master’s and doctoral research programs in areas as diverse as pharmaco genetics, pharmacokinetics, Molecular pharmacology and pharmaco epidemiology.






This program will allow you to acquire and develop various resources that will allow you to intervene effectively in all situations relating to the practice of pharmacy in a community setting. Theoretical knowledge serves as a basis for practical work which is carried out in several forms: role plays, case studies, computer laboratories and pharmaceutical practice. Finally, after each sequence of learning in a professional environment, the student reviews all of his experiences and must discuss the links he has established between what he has learned at the Faculty and what he has learned at the Faculty. lived in a professional environment.

This program provides scientific training in pharmaceutical sciences with a view to the competent exercise of an aspect of pharmacy or as a preparatory stage for postgraduate studies. This step is mandatory for the continuation of your studies.


The development and influence of research are undoubtedly at the heart of the priorities of the Faculty of Pharmacy. This step is mandatory for the continuation of your studies. Some courses offered in French and English: it’s up to you to choose in which language you wish to study. A perfect opportunity to improve your language skills.

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